SDMX-REST services

pysdmx allows building SDMX-REST queries and executing them against an SDMX-REST compliant web service.

For additional information about the SDMX-REST API, please refer to the SDMX documentation.

SDMX-REST queries

The SDMX-REST API allows defining queries to retrieve data, structural and reference metadata, schemas and data availability.

pysdmx offers query builders for these different types of queries, as well as enumerations for some of the parameters available in the SDMX-REST API.

For example, the following can be used to retrieve information about a dataflow and all the artefacts referenced directly or indirectly by this dataflow.

from pysdmx.api.qb import (

query = StructureQuery(

SDMX services

Now that we have a query, we can execute it against the desired SDMX-REST service, using the RestService class.

The RestService requires an endpoint to which the query will be sent, as well as the version of the SDMX-REST API that the endpoint supports.

from pysdmx.api.qb import ApiVersion, RestService

endpoint = ""
version = ApiVersion.V2_0_0
service = RestService(endpoint, version)
resp = service.structure(query)

In case the query requires features that are not available in the version of the API supported by the endpoint, an error will be raised.

Deserializing the response

The response of the web service will be returned as a sequence of bytes. By default, the returned responses will be in the SDMX-JSON format, but this can be configured when instantiating the RestService.

You can then process the response using your preferred library for the requested format, such as, for example, Python json module, for SDMX-JSON responses.

Alternatively, for some messages, deserializers can be used. This is not well documented yet, as only a subset of messages is currently supported, but further work will take place in this space.

The code below shows how to do that, using one of the supported messages.

import msgspec

from pysdmx.api.qb import (
from import JsonCodelistMessage

# Step 1: Build your query
query = StructureQuery(StructureType.CODELIST, "SDMX", "CL_FREQ")

# Step 2: Execute the query against your desired service
endpoint = ""
version = ApiVersion.V2_0_0
service = RestService(endpoint, version)
resp = service.structure(query)

# Step 3: Deserialize the response into a domain object
decoder = msgspec.json.Decoder(JsonCodelistMessage)
cl = decoder.decode(resp).to_model()

# Step 4: Use the object the way you see fit
print(f"There are {len(} codes in the codelist")

# Example output
# There are 34 codes in the codelist

For additional information about the query builders and the SDMX-REST service class, please refer to the API documentation.