SDMX-REST Reference Metadata Queries


Additional information about how to build SDMX-REST queries can be found in the following tutorial:

Build SDMX-REST reference metadata queries.

class pysdmx.api.qb.refmeta.RefMetaByMetadataflowQuery(agency_id: str | Sequence[str] = '*', resource_id: str | Sequence[str] = '*', version: str | Sequence[str] = '~', provider_id: str | Sequence[str] = '*', detail: RefMetaDetail = RefMetaDetail.FULL)

A query for reference metadata reported for metadataflows.


The agency (or agencies) maintaining the metadataflow(s) of which reference metadata need to be returned.


The id(s) of the metadataflow(s) of which reference metadata need to be returned.


The version(s) of the metadataflows(s) of which reference metadata need to be returned.


The id(s) of the providers that provided the reference metadata to be returned.


The desired amount of information to be returned.

class pysdmx.api.qb.refmeta.RefMetaByMetadatasetQuery(provider_id: str | Sequence[str] = '*', metadataset_id: str | Sequence[str] = '*', version: str | Sequence[str] = '~', detail: RefMetaDetail = RefMetaDetail.FULL)

A query for reference metadata with metadataset identification details.


The id(s) of the data provider.


The id(s) of the metadataset(s) to be returned.


The version(s) of the metadataset(s) to be returned.


The desired amount of information to be returned.

class pysdmx.api.qb.refmeta.RefMetaByStructureQuery(artefact_type: StructureType = StructureType.ALL, agency_id: str | Sequence[str] = '*', resource_id: str | Sequence[str] = '*', version: str | Sequence[str] = '~', detail: RefMetaDetail = RefMetaDetail.FULL)

A query for reference metadata reported against one or more structures.


The type of structural metadata to which the reference metadata to be returned are attached.


The agency (or agencies) maintaining the artefact(s) to which the reference metadata to be returned are attached.


The id(s) of the artefact(s) to which the reference metadata to be returned are attached.


The version(s) of the artefact(s) to which the reference metadata to be returned are attached.


The desired amount of information to be returned.

class pysdmx.api.qb.refmeta.RefMetaDetail(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

The desired amount of information to be returned.

class pysdmx.api.qb.refmeta.RefMetaFormat(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

The SDMX Reference Metadata formats.