Concept schemes

Model for SDMX Concepts and Concept Schemes.

Concepts are used to describe the relevant characteristics of statistical domains. For example, exchanges rates might be described with concepts such as the numerator currency, the denominator currency, the type of exchange rates, etc.

Additional information about the rules the values for a concept must follow can be defined using DataType, Facets or enumeration (i.e. list of codes).

class pysdmx.model.concept.Concept(id: str, dtype: DataType = DataType.STRING, facets: Facets | None = None, name: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, codes: Codelist | None = None, enum_ref: str | None = None)

A concept (aka variable), such as frequency, reference area, etc.

Concepts are used to describe the relevant characteristics of a statistical domain. For example, exchanges rates might be described with concepts such as the numerator currency, the denominator currency, the type of exchange rates, etc.

Some of these concepts are expected to be useful across statistical domains. Examples of such concepts include the frequency, the observation status, the confidentiality, etc.

The codes field indicates the expected (i.e. allowed) set of values a concept can take within a particular domain. In addition to (or instead of) a set of codes, additional details about the expected format may be found in the facets and dtype fields.


A unique identifier for the concept (e.g. FREQ).


The concept’s data type (string, number, etc.).


Additional details such as the concept’s minimum length.


The concept’s name.


Additional descriptive information about the concept.


The expected values for the concept (e.g. a list of currency codes).


The URN of the enumeration (codelist or valuelist) from which the codes are taken.

class pysdmx.model.concept.ConceptScheme(id: str, name: str, agency: str, description: str | None = None, version: str = '1.0', concepts: Sequence[Concept] = ())

An immutable collection of concepts.

A concept scheme is maintained by its agency, typically, an organisation like the BIS, the ECB, the IMF, SDMX, etc.

A concept scheme has an identifier and a name. It may also have a description and a version.

A concept scheme is iterable, i.e. it can be used directly in a for loop.


The identifier for the scheme (e.g. CROSS_DOMAIN_CONCEPTS).


The scheme name (e.g. “SDMX Cross Domain Concepts”).


The maintainer of the scheme (e.g. SDMX).


Additional descriptive information about the scheme (e.g. “The set of concepts in the SDMX Glossary”).


The scheme version (e.g. 2.0)


The list of concepts in the scheme.

class pysdmx.model.concept.DataType(value)

The expected data type for a concept.

ALPHA = 'Alpha'

Alphabetical characters.

ALPHA_NUM = 'AlphaNumeric'

Alphabetical and numerical characters.

BIG_INTEGER = 'BigInteger'

Immutable arbitrary-precision signed integer.

BOOLEAN = 'Boolean'

True or False.

DATE = 'GregorianDay'

A ISO 8601 date (e.g. 2011-06-17).

DATE_TIME = 'DateTime'

An ISO 8601 point in time.

DAY = 'Day'

A day in the ISO 8601 calendar (e.g. ---31).

DECIMAL = 'Decimal'

Immutable arbitrary-precision signed decimal number.

DOUBLE = 'Double'

A decimal number (8 bytes).

FLOAT = 'Float'

A decimal number (4 bytes).

INTEGER = 'Integer'

A whole number (4 bytes).

LONG = 'Long'

A whole number (8 bytes).

MONTH = 'Month'

A month in the ISO 8601 calendar (e.g. 12).

MONTH_DAY = 'MonthDay'

A month day in the ISO 8601 calendar (e.g. --12-31).

NUMERIC = 'Numeric'

A numerical value (integer or decimal).

PERIOD = 'ObservationalTimePeriod'

A reporting period. The format varies with the frequency.

SHORT = 'Short'

A whole number (2 bytes).

STRING = 'String'

A string (as immutable sequence of Unicode code points).

TIME = 'Time'

An ISO 8601 time (e.g. 12:50:42).


A uniform resource identifier, such as a URL.

YEAR = 'GregorianYear'

An ISO 8601 year (e.g. 2000).

YEAR_MONTH = 'GregorianYearMonth'

An ISO 8601 year and month (e.g. 2000-01).

class pysdmx.model.concept.Facets(min_length: int | None = None, max_length: int | None = None, min_value: float | None = None, max_value: float | None = None, start_value: float | None = None, end_value: float | None = None, interval: int | float | None = None, time_interval: str | None = None, decimals: int | None = None, pattern: str | None = None, start_time: datetime | None = None, end_time: datetime | None = None, is_sequence: bool = False)

Additional information about the concept expected values.

The facets that apply vary with the type. For example, min_mength and max_length are typically used with strings, while start_value and end_value are typically used with numeric sequences.

decimals: Optional[int]

The number of characters allowed after the decimal separator.

end_time: Optional[datetime]

Indicates the ending point of a sequence.

end_value: Optional[float]

Used in a numeric sequence to indicate its ending point.

interval: Union[int, float, None]

The permitted interval (increment) in a sequence.

is_sequence: bool

Whether the values are intended to be ordered.

max_length: Optional[int]

The maximum length for the value (e.g. 256 characters).

max_value: Optional[float]

Used by ranges to indicate what the upper bound of the range is.

min_length: Optional[int]

The minimum length for the value (e.g. 1 character).

min_value: Optional[float]

Used by ranges to indicate what the lower bound of the range is.

pattern: Optional[str]

A regular expression the value must match.

start_time: Optional[datetime]

Indicates the starting point of a sequence.

start_value: Optional[float]

Used in a numeric sequence to indicate its starting point.

time_interval: Optional[str]

The permitted duration in a time sequence.