
Model for SDMX agency schemes and data provider schemes.

class pysdmx.model.organisation.Agency(id: str, uri: str | None = None, urn: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, contacts: Sequence[Contact] = (), dataflows: Sequence[DataflowRef] = (), *, annotations: Sequence[Annotation] = ())

An organisation that maintains structural metadata.

This includes statistical classifications, glossaries, structural metadata such as Data and Metadata Structure Definitions, Concepts and Code lists.

class pysdmx.model.organisation.AgencyScheme(id: str = 'AGENCIES', uri: str | None = None, urn: str | None = None, name: str = 'AGENCIES', description: str | None = None, version: str = '1.0', valid_from: datetime | None = None, valid_to: datetime | None = None, is_final: bool = False, is_external_reference: bool = False, service_url: str | None = None, structure_url: str | None = None, agency: str | Agency = '', items: Sequence[Agency] = (), is_partial: bool = False, *, annotations: Sequence[Annotation] = ())

An immutable collection of agencies.

class pysdmx.model.organisation.DataConsumer(id: str, uri: str | None = None, urn: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, contacts: Sequence[Contact] = (), dataflows: Sequence[DataflowRef] = (), *, annotations: Sequence[Annotation] = ())

An organisation that collects data or metadata.

class pysdmx.model.organisation.DataConsumerScheme(id: str = 'DATA_CONSUMERS', uri: str | None = None, urn: str | None = None, name: str = 'DATA_CONSUMERS', description: str | None = None, version: str = '1.0', valid_from: datetime | None = None, valid_to: datetime | None = None, is_final: bool = False, is_external_reference: bool = False, service_url: str | None = None, structure_url: str | None = None, agency: str | Agency = '', items: Sequence[DataConsumer] = (), is_partial: bool = False, *, annotations: Sequence[Annotation] = ())

An immutable collection of data consumers.

class pysdmx.model.organisation.DataProvider(id: str, uri: str | None = None, urn: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, contacts: Sequence[Contact] = (), dataflows: Sequence[DataflowRef] = (), *, annotations: Sequence[Annotation] = ())

An organisation that provides data.

class pysdmx.model.organisation.DataProviderScheme(id: str = 'DATA_PROVIDERS', uri: str | None = None, urn: str | None = None, name: str = 'DATA_PROVIDERS', description: str | None = None, version: str = '1.0', valid_from: datetime | None = None, valid_to: datetime | None = None, is_final: bool = False, is_external_reference: bool = False, service_url: str | None = None, structure_url: str | None = None, agency: str | Agency = '', items: Sequence[DataProvider] = (), is_partial: bool = False, *, annotations: Sequence[Annotation] = ())

An immutable collection of data providers.

class pysdmx.model.organisation.MetadataProvider(id: str, uri: str | None = None, urn: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, contacts: Sequence[Contact] = (), dataflows: Sequence[DataflowRef] = (), *, annotations: Sequence[Annotation] = ())

An organisation that provides reference metadata.

class pysdmx.model.organisation.MetadataProviderScheme(id: str = 'METADATA_PROVIDERS', uri: str | None = None, urn: str | None = None, name: str = 'METADATA_PROVIDERS', description: str | None = None, version: str = '1.0', valid_from: datetime | None = None, valid_to: datetime | None = None, is_final: bool = False, is_external_reference: bool = False, service_url: str | None = None, structure_url: str | None = None, agency: str | Agency = '', items: Sequence[MetadataProvider] = (), is_partial: bool = False, *, annotations: Sequence[Annotation] = ())

An immutable collection of metadata providers.